
A stimulus that leads to action —

Information cues can provide

  • A command or directive. Example: Tapping on child’s shoulder to say “Sit Down.”
  • Feedback (positive or negative). Example: Rubbing child’s back to say “Good Job!”
  • Information. Example: Pressing on child’s hips to say “Time to change.”

Types of Cues

  • Touch or tactile cues
    • Touching a person with your body or with an object to get their attention
  • Object cues
    • Touch or pick up an object to signal an upcoming activity
  • Olfactory or smell cues
    • Smelling something or applying a sent to your own body or object (putting cologne on to prepare for special event)
  • Visual cues
    • Color, contrast, lighting, spacing, and arrangement of objects. (turn off light means bed time)
  • Kinesthetic or movement cues
    • Handling, positioning, moving in certain ways (Lifting a child’s arms above head to cue removing shirt.)
  • Auditory or sound cues
    • Saying a persons name when about to interact with the person.
